  • 📞 0330 1332785
  • 📞 0330 1332785

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

It is important that you read these Terms and Conditions before making any booking with us. Once a booking has been made and accepted by us, you will enter into a legally binding contract with us on the terms below.

  1. The meaning of some words used in these terms and conditions
  • ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’ is a reference to Elizabeth Sands Beauty School, Portadown, Northern Ireland.
  • ‘you’ or ‘your’ - is a reference to the person to whom we are providing our Services and who is required to pay for the Services we provide.
  • ‘Course’ and ‘Courses’ - Means the course or courses provided by us to you as part of the Services.
  • ‘Parties’ - is a reference to both us and you.
  • ‘Services’ - means the beauty course/s and any ancillary course materials that we provide to you pursuant to your booking, further details of which appear on our website and on your booking confirmation.
  1. Entering into a legally binding contract

2.1 When you place your order for one or more of our Services it is an offer by you to enter into a legal contract with us.

2.2 You and we will only enter into a binding contract when you receive notification from us that we accepted your order. Once we accept your order, a binding contract between you and us will come into being subject to these Terms and Conditions.

2.3 You should keep a copy of these terms and conditions for your records. If you have any questions concerning them, please ask us.

  1. Right to cancel

We provide training courses which may include both practical training and digital content.

We provide face to face and online courses.

Deposits are completely non refundable and non transferable on cancellations or no-shows for face to face training

For Face to Face training in the event that you cancel your training course there are strictly no refunds.  In the event you wish to rebook then the full training cost will apply

If you have paid in full for a face to face training session you have 14 days from date of  payment to be issued a refund if you wish to cancel 

We reserve the right to cancel training at any time and rebook and transfer your deposit or fee paid to a different date

If you have attended a face to face training class you have 4 months to complete your training to gain your certificate.  Anything over this you will not gain your certificate.  

If you have paid in full for training you will lose all monies if not rebooked within 6 months 

If you have been issued a credit note for training this must be completed within 4 months of issue

For online courses there are strictly no refunds on digital content courses as full access is given to all training materials as soon as you buy   There are strictly no refunds or exchanges.  

Kit Returns

Kits must be returned within 14 days of receipt  unused to receive a full refund.  After 14 days kits are non refundable.  The kit must be unopened and unused.  

However we do not issue any refunds on Dr Pens or Hyaluron Pens as once they are delivered they are deemed non sterile and we cannot resell them

If a kit is part of a special offer with a course ,there are strictly no refunds

If you live outside of the UK and Ireland then we cannot send liquids to you .  You will not be refunded on any online courses.  We also need to charge postage for international shipping

We do no refund postage on any kit returns

Kits and products come with a 6 month warranty from date of purchase.  

Rules for purchasing products and kits 

To purchase our kits or products  you must either be enrolled in training with us or hold a fully accredited certificate with a recognised accreditation company for that service.  If you return a kit or product stating that it is faulty but you do hold a qualification for that service or are not in training with us there is no refund available.  We also do not recommend you do the no needle filler or no needle fat dissolving on yourself you must have a model.  

Update of courses and product information

It is the students responsibility to review their online portal and manuals after qualifiying as we regularly update our training material and product guidance.  This is extremely important with new advice and different uses of products 


Patch Testing & Client Record Cards

Patch testing must be carried out 24 hours prior to using any of our products.  In the event of a positive patch test you must not carry out the treatment.  You are also required to fill out the client consultation card which is in all of our manuals to ensure your client does not have any contraindication  to treatment.  If you fail to do a patch test or provide a full client consultation form we hold no responsibility in the event of a claim.  Always check manufacturers instructions for products. Failure to do so we hold no responsibility in the event of a claim. 


Since filming our videos we have updated our training and do not advise needling over a depth of 0.5 to 1mm this is due to the majority products being cosmetic.  Also it is your responsibility to check with your insurance and the manufacturer

Allergy Advice

It is important to protect yourself and your clients from allergies.  We recommend always wearing gloves and proper PPE.  Not mixing products or using non professional products.  

Sell By Dates

Please note ES Beauty products unopened shelf life is 1 year from date of purchase.  Failure to dispose of out of date products is solely your responsibility.  However any products that are not our products you must check with the manufacturer

Rights To Recourse

We are not the manufacturer of any of our products we supply for other manufacturers.  In the event of a claim you agree that we are not responsible and you must seek compensation or action against the manufacturers not ES Beauty School

IT Technical Hitches

In the event one of our codes does not work on a special offer so you pay the incorrect amount we reserve all rights to charge the correct fee

Bundle Courses

Please note where there is a free kit with a bundle you only receive the kit for the bundle you paid for.  The company does not send kits for any free classes.

Time Limit For Completion of Courses

For online classes 12 months then you would need to repurchase  each course regardless of original deal or price at time of purchase .  However if you have bought a bundle then it is unlimited.

Software Technical problems

In the rare event that our server or site could go down we endeavour to get it fixed as soon as possible.  We do not refund any courses due to to this.  If this causes the wrong price to be charged we reserve the right to invoice for the difference


Licensing in some councils has been in force since 1994

Some councils require a special license for you to conduct beauty treatments, so it’s important that you check your individual council if you are looking to lease a building. 

The responsibility to understand the statutory requirements from the local authority falls on the business owner. This is the same requirement for all business owners, regardless of the sector they operate, this has been in force since 1994. 

In terms of CPD and ABT however, there is still a real need. The principle behind Continuing Professional Development is that once an individual has gained their Regulated Qualification/Formal Education in any given subject to meet their statutory obligations under the local authority’s licensing scheme, they must maintain their skills and knowledge by taking part in regular CPD and ABT courses  to ensure they are up to date and area aware of any changes within their area of expertise.

We have insurance options for our students in the UK,  Ireland & Canada

We are fully accredited with ABT/AIT Associated Irish Therapists and CPD Accreditation Service

Please check your course to see which accreditation

It is the purchasers already has insurance it is their responsibility to check with their current insurer if they cover our courses . We do not offer any refund if a student has not checked with their current insurance prior to training as we are not responsible for insurance

We do not cover insurance for any students in  the USA or Europe with the exception of Ireland anyone purchasing from the USA /Europe with exception of Ireland we cannot offer insurance and are not insurable for the USA/Europe  so you train at your own risk and we hold no responsibility in the event of you having an insurance claim

Professional Products

All kits are part of our training program.  However if purchasing individual products from the product page these are for trained technicians only and professional products.  Elizabeth Sands Beauty School are not liable for any misuse by untrained professionals.

Loss of Kits

If you have ordered a training kit and it has not arrived we will provide proof of delivery from the tracking service  If proof of delivery has been obtained we are not liable for this loss

  1. Providing the services

4.1 Once we and you have entered into a legally binding contract we will provide you with the appropriate digital content (course manuals and video tutorials, where applicable)  and the practical training sessions on the dates and times stated when booking. Occasionally the practical training sessions will be provided at some other date or time or be dependent on a number of factors, please see below especially section 5.2

4.2 Our aim is to always provide you with the Services:

4.2.1 using reasonable care and skill; Within the period as agreed. If a time period has not been agreed in advance, then within a reasonable time period.

4.2.2 in compliance with commonly accepted practices and standards in the beauty industry; and

4.2.3 in compliance with the laws and regulations of Northern Ireland in force at the time we carry out the Services.

4.3 Online courses can’t be exchanged for face-to-face or other online courses.

4.5 Next day delivery cut off time is 1pm.

  1. Practical Training / Assessments

Courses which include practical training sessions which will take place on the date, time and at the venue as specified in your booking confirmation form or learning agreement. Sometimes, we may need to change the date and/or venue and if this occurs you will be notified as soon as possible. Deposits and monies paid by you will be transferred to a new date.  We will not issue a refund

Where a review day or assessments is required as part of your course, you must attend the dates stated on the confirmation and/or learning agreement . Failure to attend the assessment/review date will  result in us claiming reasonable net costs from the fee paid and you not gaining certification. 

As part of your course fee, you understand that you are entitled to one complementary assessment or review day. If on attending the second assessment you have not met the standards required for accreditation you will be required to pay a fee of £150 for each further assessment.

Our practical training day/s are designed for a set number of students. If the attendance group is smaller, then the duration of the training may be altered accordingly to accommodate this.

  1. Your Conduct and Obligations Before, During, and After the Course

Before the practical training

Some Courses require students to complete a patch test prior to attending the practical training session. It is the student's responsibility to ensure the patch testing has been completed and we accept no responsibility for any reaction which may occur. For full details and to check if your course requires a patch test please contact us.

During the practical training

6.3 During the Course you must, at all times:

(a) act and behave appropriately. Abuse or antisocial behaviour towards either our trainer or other students will not be tolerated.

(b) dress appropriately in smart, comfortable clothing. Tunics may be worn or alternatively black trousers and a black t-shirt may be worn. If you have any queries, please contact us.

(c) ensure that your hair is tied away from your face.

The terms of this section are necessary for the health and safety of our staff and other students. Failure to comply with the terms in this section will be a breach of this agreement and may lead to your expulsion from the course. In such circumstances, we will claim reasonable nett costs or losses (which may be from the fee already paid). There will be a process to appeal against such decisions.

6.4 You will need to work on other students and you understand and confirm that other students will need to work on you. If you cannot be worked on by other students, Please contact us by telephone to look at other alternatives, which may include you providing a model. 

6.5 For health and safety reasons, children are not permitted at the practical training venue.

6.6 Mobile phones, tablet computers and desktops must remain switched off throughout.

6.7 We operate a non-smoking policy and smoking is not permitted in any training rooms. You may smoke only in the areas (if any) designated at the practical training venue.

6.8 If you are attending a practical training session in waxing, you are required to grow body hair and be worked on by other students.

6.9 If you are attending a practical training session in eyelash extensions, previous eyelash extensions must be removed prior to the commencement of the training.

If you arrive later than 15 minutes of the start of the course then you will not be allowed to enter the class

  1. Certificates

7.1 Subject always to the Course fees due being paid in full, Course certificates will be provided on completing the course/review day, whichever is the latter. We cannot be responsible for any mistakes made on the certificate which are a result of incorrect details being provided by you. You are encouraged to double-check these details following your booking.

7.2 If you have lost your certificate and require a replacement, please be aware that we charge an admin fee of £10 for processing and sending a new certificate.

  1. Practical Training Rescheduling

8.1 In some circumstances, we may need to change a practical training date, venue, or materials. We will use our reasonable endeavours to give you as much notice as possible but this may not be possible if there are circumstances beyond our reasonable control. Deposits are non refundable and will be transferred to another training date.  If you have paid the course in full then the monies will be transferred to a new date.  Strictly no refunds

  1. Intellectual Property

All design, text, graphics, images, content and other intellectual property contained in any of the Course materials, videos and manuals are, unless otherwise stated, the intellectual property of Elizabeth Sands Beauty School for their sole use in the UK and Ireland. The use of any of them other than for personal study for the particular Course/Courses which you have booked is not permitted. Any reproduction, modification, or other unlawful use of our intellectual property is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action being taken against you.

  1. Price and payment

10 .1 Our Course fees appear on our website and are confirmed in your booking confirmation form.

10.2 In the event that we have made a mistake in the Course fees quoted to you (for example, due to a technical error), we will inform you of the error as soon as reasonably possible.

10.3 All fees must be paid in full in advance of the Course or on the day of training

10.4 Payment is made at the time of booking. You shall not be entitled by reason of any alleged minor defect or performance of service to withhold more than a proportionate amount of the sum due.

10.2 If we are unable to take payment on any of the dates specified, we will charge you a reasonable fee taking in to our costs from dealing with the non-payment, we will also charge you interest on the outstanding amount at 3% above the Barclays bank base rate, if these amounts remain unpaid for more than seven days from the date on which they was due. We will inform you that payment has been declined as soon as reasonably practicable.

10.3 Course certificates will not be produced whilst any fees are due and outstanding.

10.4 Once in attendance of the course you are liable for the full fee of the course. If you leave the course at any stage you are still required to pay the course fee in full.

  1. Exclusion and limitation of liability

This clause limits our liability to you and we suggest that you read through its provisions very carefully.

11.1 We do not exclude or limit liability for our negligence or negligent omission which causes you personal injury or death.

11.2 We shall only be liable for any loss or damage suffered by you which is a reasonably foreseeable consequence of a breach by us of this contract. In the event that any loss or damage suffered by you relates to your business activities then we exclude all liability for any business loss and in particular, we exclude all liability for loss of profits or other economic loss arising out of a breach of this contract.

11.3 You should not take ANY personal items into the training centres. We cannot accept responsibility for any valuables or possessions which go missing or are damaged at the training venues unless this has been a result of our negligence.

  1. Your Personal Information

12.1 We will keep all student/customer personal information private and confidential.

  1. Communicating with us

13.1 You can always telephone – our contact numbers appear on our website.

13.2 However, for important matters we suggest that you send any communications by email to appointments4elizabethsands@gmail.com

  1. Amendments to the contract terms and conditions

We will have the right to amend the terms and conditions of this contract where:

14.1 we need to do so in order to comply with changes in the law or for regulatory reasons; or

14.2 we need to correct any errors or omissions (and this right includes the right to change any of the documentation which forms part of the contract), as long such correction is minor and does not materially affect the contract. Where we are making any amendment we will give you as much notice as is possible.

  1. Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999

For the purposes of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 this contract is not intended to, and does not, give any person who is not a party to it any right to enforce any of its provisions.

  1. Law and jurisdiction

This contract shall be governed and construed by the law of Northern Ireland and you and we agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Northern Ireland.

If there are any questions or queries regarding these Terms and Conditions, please contact us prior to enrolling on a course.